The fun of making money


31 December 2014

On 10:26 PM by Blog2539   No comments
 run"  last night", d sudden1Y notice the Smell that hits ms or my own body odor but  nostrils. ach coi15~  my stom hot Sun for too many days. Evel-ythin  smell so Pumd that the  . t in - chicken mnard5 left Ou es blurry and I do I10‘? hear Keav telling me to - becom surroundlflg me  h only the buzzing Of flies feasting (in the human move myf 1elgSlieIav’:aliand pull at me,3f1d my feet automatically m°V€ in corpse.I CC  _ . d ‘ hers, her direct1on.Wrth my han 1n  . - ‘ h day of marching- famfly and begin our srxt  lk the soldiers are everywhere, prodding us alongfrh On our W8 »  . . ' ' 5 with ornt and give us d1rect10I1 older pCOP  We Catch up with the rest ofthe  P scorching April heat, marl)’  dehydration, but they dare throws out his belongings, wagon if the family is lucky e  puts the sick person on someone’s back or;  walk all through the morning and afternoon, stopping for food and to i  test only when the sun goes down.  All around us, other families also have stopped to rest for the night. Some stagger into the field, picking up firewood to cook their meals. Others eat what they cooked earlier and fall asleep as soon as they lie down.We walk around the curled up bodies to find an empty area of our own. Exhausted, Ma and Keav struggle to set up our "mng 5P0t and Start a fire. From one of the plastic bags we carry our  rem ' ' b ' ' th “nmgd 5:/ynglngs 1n,Keav takes out a bedsheet and spreads it on C groun . . , a unrolls the straw mat and lines 1t up next to the bed.  Her face. bro  neck as his bodwn and bhstered from the sun’ 1  their guns and bullhorns. In the ' le become ill from heatstroke and 1  not rest.When someone falls ill, the family ’  nough to have one, and march on_We ‘  Y Swivels left and right. Befme I»  rass only a few feet from Where i  my:  , . a A Smell similar to that of rotten Z 


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