The fun of making money


01 March 2015

On 8:04 AM by Blog2539   No comments
Because everything is wet and there’s a foot of Wilt" “"dCm°‘“h “Ewe cannot make a fire. Pa feeds us young children Slices Of the Tilbbit meat Though the lime juice cuts the taste a little, I still hate the texture ofit. The flesh stretches and pulls in my mouth and Its hard to Cilew” MY stomach tightens, wanting to ‘hmw the food back out Sucking 0" a slice of lime,l force the meat to stay down because I know that there is no more food for me ifl Spit it ml" Eventually, the rainy season is over an . _ I behind wet. muddy gr0und.The whole village  lh 3 SW’: of P3010 for there is no food anywhere. “We have to leave, -Pa tells us one night. “People are discontent.Th€Y are hun8rY~The mmve Vlllagers are 5”‘Pl‘ cious of eVerYbod)’~ and thCY are “kmg too many queSt10nS'We are dif- ferent, your ma speaks Khmer with a Chinese accent, You kids have lighter skin, and, besides me, this fami1Y does not know much about  d the flood recedes, leaving  farming, so the villagers will make us the first scapegoats for their prob- lems.” Pa says hunger and fear make people turn against one another, so once again we have to flee, Pa pleads with the chief to relocate us to another village before people have the chance to turn against us. In the morning, we will leave with only the clothes in our bags, trek down the mountain, and wait for a Khmer Rouge truck to pick us up.  “The killings have started," Pa tells my older brothers as we walk back down the mountain to our rendezvous area. “The Khmer Rouge are executing people perceived to be a threat against the Angkar. This new country has no law or order. City people are killed for no reason. Anyone can be viewed as a threat to the Angkar—former civil servants. monks, doctors, nurses, artists, teachers, students—even people Wl10 wear glasses, as the soldiers view this as a sign of intelligence. Anyone the Khmer Rmlge b€h€Ves has the power to lead a rebellion will bt’  killed. We have to be extremely careful, but if we keep moving to dif. ferent villages, we may stay safe.»  It has become too familiar to me by now.When Ma wakes me l1Pl"  the early morning, I do not ask her any questions. It has become 3 W‘ t . . me After many hours of walking, we arrive at the same spot where we were d , h mppcd Off m°“th5 before. There we wait all afternoon and mm ‘ ‘7 night for the truck , ‘ that the chief arra "1 n ed d take US away to whe g to come an  re no one knows us. When the truck comes in the dark. 

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