The fun of making money


23 December 2014

On 8:29 AM by Blog2539   No comments
NJ  1 U  ound looking for fares‘ Sometimes when I Peddle Zr edg; of the railing and look down at the t e ave I Climb onto the railing, holding on  . h, with my whole bod)’ supported by the to the banister Very mg ‘Y. m toes as theY hang 3‘ the edge Ofthe raging I dare myself to lool}: atmr: and bicycles below, a tingling sensa- world. As I look dpw: Ztlatkiilg them feel as if a thousand little pins are  oe , rushes to rm’ em. Sometimes, . anister altogether, stretching my arms up hlgh above d flapping in the wind,I pretend that I am 3 e balcony is a special place because  others continue C0 feel brave, I walk over t0 lights below.When I'm Very bf  tion gently pricking ‘h letting go of the b my head. My arms loose an  dragon flying high above the city.Th n have important conversations.  I just hang there against the railing,  it‘s where Pa and I ofte ' When I was small, much younger than I am HOW, lba told me that in  a certain Chinese dialect my name, Loung’ translates into “dragon-” He said that dragons are the animals of the gods, if not gods themselves. Dragons are very powerful and wise and can often see into the future. He also explained that, like in the movies, occasionally one or two bad dragons can come to earth and wreak havoc on the people, though most act as our protectors.  “When Kim was born I was out walking,” Pa said a few nights ago. “All of a sudden, I looked up and saw these beautiful puffy white clouds moving toward me. It was as if they were following me. Then the clouds began to take the shape of a big, f1erce—looking dragon.Th€ dragon W35 CWEYWY OF thirty feet long, had four little legs, and wings that spread half its body length. Two curly horns grew out of its head and Shot 031“ °PP0Sit€ directions. Its whiskers were five feet long and  swayed gently back and forth as if doing a ribbon dance. Suddenly it swooped down next to me and stared at m  as big as tires. ‘You will have a son 3 St . ron grow up to do many wonderful things, An news about Kim.” Pa told me the dra  e with its eyes, which were 8 and healthy son who Will d that is how I heard of the  -When I ask what Pa (1035 at


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