The fun of making money


31 December 2014

On 10:32 AM by Blog2539   No comments
and not lie to the Angkar! If you lie to the Angkar, we will find out! The Angkar is all—knowing and has eyes and ears everywhere.” This is the first time I hear the word “Angkar,” which means “the 0fg3’“Za' tion.” Pa says the Angkar is the new government of Cambodia. He tells  us that in the past, Prince Sihanouk ruled Cambodia as a monarch. Then in 1970, unhappy with the Prince’s government, General Lon overn-  Nol, deposed him in a military coup. The Lon Nol democratic g ment has been fighting a civil war with the Communist Kh ever since. Now the Khmer Rouge has won the war and its govern’ ment is called “the Angkar.”  “To your right, you see a table where your co waiting to help you. Anyone who has worked for the deposed govern- ment, ex-soldiers or politicians, step up to the table to register for work. The Angkar needs you right away.”Anxiety spreads through my body at the sight of the Khmer Rouge soldiers. I feel like I have to vomit.  Pa quickly gathers our family and stands us in line with Othfif peasant families. “Remember, we are a family of peasants. Give them whatever they want and don’t argue. Don’t say anything, let me do all the talking, don’t go anywhere, and don’t make any moves unless I tell you to do so,” Pa instructs us firmly.  Standing in line wedged among many people, assaulted by the stale smell of bodies that have not been washed for many  days.To filter the smell, I pull the scarf tightly over my nose and mouth.  In front of us, the line splits in two as a large group of ex-soldiers, gov- ers, and former politicians walk over to the table to register  mrade brothers sit  my nostrils are  ernment work for work. My heart pounds quickly against my chest, but I say nothing  and lean against Pa’s legs. He reaches down and puts his hand on top of my head. It stays there as if protecting me from the sun and the soldiers. After a few minutes, my head feels cooler and my heartbeat slows. Ahead of us in the line, Khmer Rouge soldiers yell something to the crowd, but I cannot hear what they say. Then one Khmer Rouge soldier roughly jerks a bag off of one man’s shoulder and dumps its contents on the ground. From this pile, a Khmer Rouge soldier picks up an old Lon Nol army uniform. The Khmer Rouge soldier sneers at the man and pushes him to another Khmer Rouge soldier standing beside hjmffhe soldier then moves on to the next family. Eyes downcast’ shoulders  mer Rouge 


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