The fun of making money


23 December 2014

On 8:12 AM by Blog2539   No comments
2 nus‘! 1"“ “"’  ' f the intersections directing traffic. Yet the city alwfl s the m1dd1l)e one big mfl_1CJ.am_My favorite way to get around with M1 iseillf ttrgcld because the driver can maneuver it in frthe hefaVi:S.t traffic. Cyclo resembles a big Wheelchair attached to the ont (:1 a 1CYC1e.You just take a seat and P3)’ the driver to Wheel you aroun Wherever You want to go‘ Even though we own two cars and a truck, when M; takes me to the market we often E0 in 3 cyclo because We get to our destlnat tion faster. Sitting on her lap I bounce and laugh 35 thc driver pedajs through the congested city St1'CCt5-  This morning, I am stuck at a noodle sh0P 3 block from our apart‘ ment in this big chair. I’d much rather be playing hopscotch with In friends. Big chairs always make me want to jump on them. I hate the way my feet just hang in the air and dangle. Today, Ma has already warned me twice not to climb and stand on the chair. I settle for simply swinging my legs back and forth beneath the table.  Ma and Pa enjoy taking us to a noodle shop in the morning before I  Pa goes off to work. As usual, the place is filled with breakfast.The clang and clatter of spoons against the b0 the slurping of hot tea and soup,  Pe0Ple having ttom of bowls the smell of garlic, cilantro, ginger, anti beef broth in the air make my stomach rumble with hunger. Across  from us, a man uses chopsticks to shovel noodles into his mouth. Next to him, a girl dips a piece of chicken into a small saucer of hoisin sauce while her mother cleans her teeth with a toothpick. Noodle soup is a traditional breakfast for Cambodians and Chinese.We usually have this, or for a special treat, French bread with iced coffee.  “Sit still,” Ma says as she reaches down to stop my leg mjdswjng, but I enld up kicking her hand. Ma gives me a stern look and a swift slap on my eg.  “Don’t you ever sit still? You are five years old. You are the most troublesome child. Why can’t you be ljke ever grow up to be a  heard all this before.  It must be hard for her to  girl, to be so beautiful and have a daughter like me. Among her W°men fnends» M3 is admired for her  _ height, slender build, and porcelain White skin. I often overhear them talking about her beautiful face when ‘hey  your sisters? How will Y0“  Proper Young lady?” Ma sighs. Of course I have e  have a daughter who does not act like 3‘ ' 


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