The fun of making money


31 December 2014

On 10:26 PM by Blog2539   No comments
and Meng picked the mushrooms in the woods” with ml’ CV35 Still C10S€d, the rice ball works itself slowly down my dry throat and Cluiets mY hunger. After I finish my small portion I lie back down and leave the world of the Khmer Rouge soldiers behind,  In the middle of the night I dream I am at a NewYear’s parade.The  Cambodian Lunar New Year this year falls on the thirteenth of April. Traditionally, for three days and nights, we celebrate the NewYear with  parades, food, and music. In my dream, fireworks crackle and boom noisily, rejoicing in the New Year celebration.There are many varieties of food on the table: red cookies, red candies, red roasted pigs, and red noodles. Everything is red. I’m even wearing a new red dress that Ma has made for this special occasion. In the Chinese culture it is not proper for girls to wear this color because it attracts too much atten- tion. Only girls who want attention wear red and they are generally viewed as “bad” and “improper,” more than likely from a bad family. But New Years is a special occasion and during the celebration everyone is allowed to wear red. Chou is next to me clapping her hands at something. Geak is giggling and trying to catch up with me as I run and spin around and around.We all have on the same dress.We look so pretty with red ribbons in our ponytails, red rouge on our cheeks, and red lipstick on our lips. My sisters and I hold hands, laughing as fire- works boom in the background.  I wake up the next morning to the voices of my brothers and father whispering to each other about what went on in the night.  “Pa,” Meng says in a frightened voice,“a man told me the noise last night was the Khmer Rouge soldiers opening fire on all the people who registered for work. They killed every one of them.” Their words push at my temples, making my head throb with fear.  “Don’t say anything. If the soldiers hear us we will be in danger.”  Hearing this makes me afraid and I walk over to Pa. “We’ve been —  Walking and walking for five days now.When can we go home?” “Don’t talk anymore,” he whispers and hands me over to Keav. Keav takes my hand and leads me to the woods so I can go to the bathroom. We have only taken a few steps when Khouy stops us. _ I “Turn and walk back! Don’t go any farther!” He yells. 


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