The fun of making money


01 January 2015

On 11:16 PM by Blog2539   No comments
-.i.;ov""""' ”"" ‘VA ‘W A '  crazily as if trying to get  - th ir legs _ rid A11 around us, people are shaking 6 gS_ Khouy walks 1n a cite  - le h 1r Pan‘ , - . e, of animals that have crawled up tEr:m side to s1d€- He 15 3 martial tist Swinging his arms VCYY qmckly, :7 Khouy is slender and fin In Phno with a black belt in karate. Al’:  liractice karate. It amazed me that he . 1 Penh,I1oved to sit fifld Wf:>C\/e his head and hold the stance for a Ion . 3 ' 70”“ ml‘ °ne.1eg uliigh in the air, do mam’ fa“ klcks’ and land safely “me. He Could Jun?) seconds while screaming llunny Sounds and C0n~ . - W on ins felt all ml: always made me laugh NOW’ he Walks around fastfir torting h1S.faC€.'rC1e and his arms are like propellers about to carry him andlfiister linlpa (:1; ter He is doing the same movements Ive seen him do ' e ic - _ . off 1 e atmes before but this time his face is not funny and I am not so many 1 i 1 h'ng~ . auzifliter our short rest and meal, W5 S?‘ bafk Onlthe truck arid remam there all through the night. I wake UP 1“ P“ lap m the mormng to See that we have arrived at a “truck stop.” Thfife are People eV€TYWhere. Some are cooking breakfast, others are just waking -up, find many are still asleep on the side of the road or in the grass. Sitting in the back of the truck, we dare not move until the soldiers instruct us to.  “We are in Pursat province. You are to wait here until the base  people come to take you to live in their villa  ge,” a soldier tells us and walks away.  “Why did we have to leave last night?” I ask Pa.  Truop are from Phnom Penh.  gerous to live there because they  “Some of the new arrivals i  n though they are friends, it know who I am."  n Krang is dan  trouble!"  not - . , matter’ they m3Y not have a choice.” Pa 18 Verl '3 to lT1C.I do not  . i decide not to pursue this line f understand what he means bu 0 questionin  g.  "Friendship does solemn as he peak 

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