The fun of making money


31 December 2014

On 10:29 AM by Blog2539   No comments
April 1915  nl Open up my eyes the next morning is the {Chou against the background of cloudy  “Wake up. We have to move again,” she  The first sight I see Whe glum upside-down face 0 skies as she tugs at my half-  tells me. Slowly I sit up and rub the seeds out of my sleepy eyes. All around  me, a sea of people wake: babies cry, old people groan, pots and pans clang against the sides of wagons whose wheels grind the dirt beneath them.There are many more people than the numbers I know to count them with. My eyes follow Khouy and Meng as they walk into the temple with big silver pots to fetch water. Keav says there is alwaysa well near a temple. Moments later, Khouy and Meng return visibly shaken with their empty p0ts_  R “We vvleint into the temple but found no monks there, only a Khmer  ou e so 1er” “ tempt: Wen. \,X]:h:tyg}::)l:d1’:n(;flg::’nYel1:ed for us to staY awaY from tilt anyway", Khouyg Words are inte: ackdbut other people W€I1:1l: coming from inside the temple. Hurriiégie by the sound of guns 0d Y: W6 pack our belonglngs 3“  lte:ve the larea. Iplater on we hear the Khmer Rouge soldiers had killed o peop e insi e the temple and woun dfid many more.  T 


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