The fun of making money


23 December 2014

On 8:30 AM by Blog2539   No comments
"" id that may. Ma then sa  - trashcan b 111 Our a born  5 he makes good m k emery ofthjs and as ,  uniform, which mean kill him by putting Someone once tried I0  have I10 m ars old. I when I was one or M0 Y5  _ . H d her.  11 h m? I aske .  “Why would someone want to k1 g 1 b mbs in the countryside, many “When the planes started dr0PPmg 0  find work , the could n0‘  People moved to Phnom Penh. Once herél 0 1: didn’t know P3, but and they blamed ‘h° government‘ These laedpso th€Y targeted all the they thought all officers were corral” and 3 '  high-ranking oflicers.” “What are bombs? Who’s dropping them?  "You’ll have to ask Pa that,” she replied. h b bs _ m Later that evening, out on the balcony, I asked Pa about t C 0  dropping in the countryside. He told me that Cambodia is fighting 2 civil war, and that most Cambodians do not live in cities but in rural villages, farming their small plot of land. And bombs are metal balls dropped from airplanes.When they explode, the bombs make craters in the earth the size of small ponds. The bombs kill farming families, destroy their land, and drive them out of their homes. Now homeless and hungry, these people come to the city seeking shelter and help. Finding neither, they are angry and take it out on all officers in the government. His words made my head spin and my heart beat rapidly.  “Why are they dropping the bombs?” I asked him.  “Cambodia is fighting a war that I do not understand and that is enough ofyour questions,” he said and became quiet.  The explosion from the bomb in our trashcan knocked down the walls of our kitchen, but luckily no one was hurt. The police never found out who put the bomb there. My heart is sick at the thought that someone actually tried to hurt Pa. If only these new people in the city could understand that Pa is a very nice man, someone who’s always willing to help others, they would not want to hurt him.  Pa was born in 1931 in Tro Nuon, a small, rural village in the Kam- pong Cham province. By village standards, his family was well—to-do and Pa was given everything he needed.When he was twelve years old, his father died and his mother remarried. Pa’s stepfather was often drunk and would physically abuse him. At eighteen, Pa left home and Went to live in a Buddhist temple to get away from his violent home, 


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