The fun of making money


23 December 2014

On 8:11 AM by Blog2539   No comments
Phnom Penh city wakes early to take advantage of the cool morning breeze before the sun breaks through the haze and invades the country with sweltering heat. Already at 6 A.M.people in Phnom Penh are rushing and bumping into each other on dusty, narrow side streets. Waiters and waitresses in black—and—white uniforms swing open shop doors as the aroma of noodle soupgreets waiting customers. Street Ven- dors push food carts piled with steamed dumplings, smoked beef teriyaki sticks, and roasted peanuts along the sidewalks and begin to set up for another day of business. Children in colorful T—shirts and shorts kick soccer balls on sidewalks with their bare feet, ignoring the grunts and screams of the food cart owners.The wide boulevards sing with the buzz of motorcycle engines, squeaky bicycles, and, for those wealthy enough to afford them, small cars. By midday, as temperatures climb to over a hundred degrees, the streets grow quiet again. People rush home to seek relief from the heat, have lunch, take cold showers, and nap before returning to work at 2 P.M. Myfamily lives on a third—floor apartment in the middle of Phnom Penh, so-I am used to the traffic and the noise. We don’t have traffic lights on our streets; instead, policemen stand on raised metal boxes, in 


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