The fun of making money


01 January 2015

On 11:14 PM by Blog2539   No comments
SEVEN—DAY WALK, APRIL 1975 37  Standing next to Uncle Leang,I have to tilt my head back as far as 1 can to see his face because he is so tall. Even then all I can see is the shape of his thin lips and wide, black nostrils that flare once every few seconds as he talks to Ma. At almost six feet tall, second Uncle Kim Leang hovers above all of us. His long thin arms and legs make him look like the stick figures I used to draw on my schoolbooks. Uncle Leang lives in a village called Krang Truop. Both Uncle Leang and Uncle I-Ieang have lived in the countryside since before the revolution and have never lived in a city. The Khmer Rouge considers them uncorrupted model citizens for their new society. Pa says we will go  and live with our uncles in their village.  The wagon, pulled by two yellow skinny cows moving very slowly, arrives later that evening.While Pa and Ma talk to my uncle, I quickly claim a seat in the wagon with Chou and Geak. Our trail takes us on a gravel road along Route 26 westward until we reach the Khmer Rouge—occupied village of Bat Deng. No matter where we go or in which direction we turn, there are people marching ahead and behind us. In the midst of the crowd, our wagon passes the Khmer Rouge vil- lage without stopping. We veer westward, leaving our roadside com- panions far behind. Somewhere between Bat Deng and Krang Truop,I fall asleep. 

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