The fun of making money


01 January 2015

On 11:18 PM by Blog2539   No comments
I wake up to find that we have stopped and all the families are getting off the truck. The Village representatives have a few words with the truck driver before he drives away, leaving us in the middle of nowhere. All around us, green mountain peaks jut into the gray sky. July is the midpoint of the rainy season; the air, though cool, is heavy and humid, Thick, tall trees with wide, green leaves and fat elephant grass surround us. I sit next to Chou and Geak on our small piles of clothes, listening to the sound of shrieking birds while the others stretch their bodies.A few feet away, Pa and the fathers of the four other families who came with us on the truck listen to the representatives as they give out instructions.  “We have to walk from here up to the mountains,” Pa tells us-P3 picks up Geak and carries her on his back. Khouy, Meng, K€3Vs and Kim gather up our bundles of clothes and follow the representatiV€5” they lead us to a small, hidden trail up the mountain. Chou and I hold Ma’s hand and trail behind the other families. I try to run to be “P M  Pa in case there are snakes or wild animals who eat young Children in rill 11:6”?  the mountains, but pebbles and rocks slow me down by getting  flip—flops, forcing me to shake them out every few minuteS.\7Ve h  ' l   

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